HB2414, a gun control measure
(too old to reply)
2005-04-13 21:20:33 UTC
Fra USA...... de driver på og krangler der borte og....

IronMike HB2414, a gun control measure on 13.04.05 05:55 8 kB

So whatcha gonna do when they come for you...?

SPRINGFIELD, Ill., April 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following statement on
HB 2414, a gun control measure, was released today by the Illinois State
Rifle Association (ISRA):

"Horrible public policy," is how the ISRA is describing HB 2414 -- a gun
control measure currently making its way to the floor of the Illinois

If passed, HB 2414 would ban the possession of a wide variety of

semiautomatic sporting firearms owned by hundreds of thousands of
law-abiding Illinois citizens. Under HB 2414, gun owners would have 90
days to surrender their firearms to the police, or face felony prosecution
stiff jail sentences. Any such firearms they surrender would be forfeited
without compensation.

The ISRA is condemning HB 2414 as unfair, ineffective, and divisive
legislation that targets law-abiding citizens for prosecution while
ignoring the dangerous repeat-offenders who are responsible for the bulk of
crimes committed in Illinois.

"HB 2414 is a public policy nightmare," commented ISRA Executive Director
Richard Pearson. "Overnight, the bill would create an entirely new class
of criminals. I think it would be conservative to say that at least half of
the gun owners in Illinois own firearms that would be banned under this
The result would be that more than 750,000 citizens, few of whom ever even
contemplated committing a crime, would be instantly branded as 'criminals'
by the mere stroke of the Governor's pen."

"Since the firearms banned by HB 2414 cost between $800 and $4,000 apiece,
many owners have a sizeable investment at stake here," continued Pearson.

"It's a safe bet that they are not pleased with the prospect of handing
their valuable gun collections over to the local police and going home
empty handed."

"HB 2414 is a clear attempt by some members of the General Assembly to
punish law-abiding gun owners," said Pearson. "There is no connection
between the provisions within HB 2414 and the common street thug.

Criminals are not going to surrender their guns in 90 days, and murderers,
robbers and rapists are hardly deterred by HB 2414's threats of Class 3
felony prosecution."

"The state's law-abiding gun owners sent their representatives to
Springfield to solve the crime problem -- not make it worse," continued
Pearson. "The state's gun owners certainly don't expect their
representatives to devise ways to criminalize their sporting activities,
and to forcibly strip away their lawfully-acquired private property. The
on HB 2414 will make it clear to the state's gun owners just who are their
friends, and who are not."


"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well
please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the
consequences." -- PJ O'Rourke

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Orkla Pistolklubb forum:
Orkla PK Hjemmesider:
Norske Kniver:
2005-04-14 09:38:02 UTC
Typisk av myndigheter å gjøre de legale våpeneiere til kriminelle,
istedenfor å TA de kriminelle.
Fra USA...... de driver på og krangler der borte og....
IronMike HB2414, a gun control measure on 13.04.05 05:55 8 kB
So whatcha gonna do when they come for you...?
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., April 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following statement on
HB 2414, a gun control measure, was released today by the Illinois State
"Horrible public policy," is how the ISRA is describing HB 2414 -- a gun
control measure currently making its way to the floor of the Illinois
If passed, HB 2414 would ban the possession of a wide variety of
semiautomatic sporting firearms owned by hundreds of thousands of
law-abiding Illinois citizens. Under HB 2414, gun owners would have 90
days to surrender their firearms to the police, or face felony prosecution
stiff jail sentences. Any such firearms they surrender would be forfeited
without compensation.
The ISRA is condemning HB 2414 as unfair, ineffective, and divisive
legislation that targets law-abiding citizens for prosecution while
ignoring the dangerous repeat-offenders who are responsible for the bulk of
crimes committed in Illinois.
"HB 2414 is a public policy nightmare," commented ISRA Executive Director
Richard Pearson. "Overnight, the bill would create an entirely new class
of criminals. I think it would be conservative to say that at least half of
the gun owners in Illinois own firearms that would be banned under this
The result would be that more than 750,000 citizens, few of whom ever even
contemplated committing a crime, would be instantly branded as 'criminals'
by the mere stroke of the Governor's pen."
"Since the firearms banned by HB 2414 cost between $800 and $4,000 apiece,
many owners have a sizeable investment at stake here," continued Pearson.
"It's a safe bet that they are not pleased with the prospect of handing
their valuable gun collections over to the local police and going home
empty handed."
"HB 2414 is a clear attempt by some members of the General Assembly to
punish law-abiding gun owners," said Pearson. "There is no connection
between the provisions within HB 2414 and the common street thug.
Criminals are not going to surrender their guns in 90 days, and murderers,
robbers and rapists are hardly deterred by HB 2414's threats of Class 3
felony prosecution."
"The state's law-abiding gun owners sent their representatives to
Springfield to solve the crime problem -- not make it worse," continued
Pearson. "The state's gun owners certainly don't expect their
representatives to devise ways to criminalize their sporting activities,
and to forcibly strip away their lawfully-acquired private property. The
on HB 2414 will make it clear to the state's gun owners just who are their
friends, and who are not."
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well
please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the
consequences." -- PJ O'Rourke
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Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.9.7 - Release Date: 4/12/2005
Ronny A. Nilsen
2005-04-14 17:43:40 UTC
Post by Ken
Typisk av myndigheter å gjøre de legale våpeneiere til kriminelle,
istedenfor å TA de kriminelle.
Men vi må jo inrømme at det er mye lettere å ta "kriminelle" på denne
måte, enn å faktisk gå ut og ta de som allerede bryter lovene. I PD
ville de sikkert kallt dette effektivisering og en lysende fremtid for
etaten med gode resultater uten å måtte jobbe for å oppnå resultater. :-/

2005-04-14 21:29:45 UTC


Orkla Pistolklubb forum:
Orkla PK Hjemmesider:
Norske Kniver:
Post by Ronny A. Nilsen
Post by Ken
Typisk av myndigheter å gjøre de legale våpeneiere til kriminelle,
istedenfor å TA de kriminelle.
Men vi må jo inrømme at det er mye lettere å ta "kriminelle" på denne
måte, enn å faktisk gå ut og ta de som allerede bryter lovene. I PD
ville de sikkert kallt dette effektivisering og en lysende fremtid for
etaten med gode resultater uten å måtte jobbe for å oppnå resultater. :-/
Men Ronny, det er jo akkurat det PoD GJØR!


Se bare på alle akkene og stønnene om at det er for mange pistoler ute blant
norske pistolskyttere!

Der må jeg si meg 100% uenig!

Og dessverre mitt forbund, NSF, bruker en av forfatterne av stønnene som sin
konsulent, du snakker om å grave sin egen grav!

Hva kan det komme av, at mange, mange av politifolkene som faktisk er
medlemmer av skytterlag og klubber, faktisk viser seg å være så dårlige
kamerater at de ligger bak og er med på å lage regler og lover rettet mot
våre egne medlemmer - uten at de på noen måte kan dokumentere at det har
noenting som helst med kriminalitetsforebyggende arbeid å gjøre?

Etter mitt skjønn burde det holde, hver gang en profesjonell bindersbøyer i
PoD har kopiert en eller annen ide fra Sarah Brady's Handgun Control Inc, at
en av politifolkene i organisasjonene våre - slike folks mening veier jo
tyngre innad i etaten.... - løfter på telefonrøret og forteller PoD at
"problemet" har vært under full statlig kontroll siden våpenloven av 1961,
og at medlemmene er kontrollert på kryss og tvers og at man bjeffer opp
etter feil tre?



Orkla Pistolklubb forum:
Orkla PK Hjemmesider:
Norske Kniver:
Thor Stensvaag
2005-05-29 05:44:37 UTC
Fra USA...... de driver p� og krangler der borte og....
IronMike HB2414, a gun control measure on 13.04.05 05:55 8 kB
So whatcha gonna do when they come for you...?
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., April 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following statement on
HB 2414, a gun control measure, was released today by the Illinois State
"Horrible public policy," is how the ISRA is describing HB 2414 -- a gun
control measure currently making its way to the floor of the Illinois
Denne ble faktisk nedstemt denne uken. Egentlig ganske utrolig naar man
tenker paa hvilken stat det er snakk om ...

Som jeg sier til folk fra California, Illinois, New Jersey, etc,: Flytt til

Thor Stensvaag
